Tuesday, March 4, 2008

100% Girl

I finally did it.

The temptation was just too much to handle.

I couldn't resist any longer.

I gave in.

I'm embarrassed to admit it,


I bought another bookshelf.

I know it's sad, but its true. I had to. The books were starting to pile up on the floor in front of my crammed full shelves.
I think that what is even sadder(more sad?) about this situation, is that I don't even feel that bad about it. In fact, I am kind of looking forward to watching the shelves fill up. Its sick. I'm addicted to books. I suppose there are a lot of worse things I could be addicted to, but still.

The shelf has been in my trunk since last night. I was just to tired to drag the box up the stairs, but tonight, with the help of my brother, I got it up the stairs. This was no easy task, and I thought the hard part was over, but then I saw the instruction manual. It was normal letter size paper and about thirty pages thick. I could almost feel the impending failure hanging in the air around me. I've never been good at this kind of thing - I'm such a girl! When I put together my last shelf, (I can't believe I'm admitting this) almost all of the nails came through when I nailed on the back. My Grandpa was a carpenter, he would be ashamed.

That was when I saw the notice on the box that read:"No Tools Required." Yes! How lucky can I get? This was my chance.

Everything went fine until one stubborn little plug absolutely refused to go into it's designated hole. I scoffed at the 'no tools required' sign and looked around for something to pound the un-compromising little sucker in with.

And that was when I saw it: my favorite wedge shoe lying on the floor. Who needs hammers? I pounded that plug and a couple of other stubborn plastic things in with that shoe.

My dad once told me that all a shoe like that was good for was a broken ankle. Well, sorry dad, but I think you have been proven wrong.

Not only are my favorite shoes adorable and look great, but they can be very useful.

I didn't think it was possible, but now I love those shoes more than ever. Cinderella can keep her glass slipper, give me a good wedge heel any day.


Anonymous said...

awesome bookcase! is it from Ikea? that's exactly what i need...not because i have books to put on them...just stuff.
you rock. and so do your shoes. :)

Anonymous said...

so i had a dream last night that we were shopping and you were my interior designer.....maybe it's trying to tell me something?

lindsay said...

you've been tagged!!!

lindsay said...


Holly Janeen said...

um, congrats on the ADMISSION TO BYU!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

hooray... i will see you up there! :)