Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I'm not dead, I'm just the worst blogger on the planet

No, really. I haven't frozen to death, I actually survived finals("wonder of wonders, miracle, a miracle" name that musical, anyone?) , I have lived through numerous snowstorms, I made it through Christmas and New Years with my crazy family and managed to get (somewhat reluctantly) back onto the plane to return to my own personal ice world, I survived my car window getting stuck down(*cough*again*cough*), I lived through the first four weeks of a new semester, and I drove through Orem in a snowstorm with a windshield wiper that wouldn't move. Not pleasant. But, I survived.

Point being? I know its been ages, and I really am sorry, but life has been insane and living without a computer is lame. Thanks for all of your emails, texts, phone calls, and concern. Just know that I am still here, still alive, still crazy, and still happy.
Also? I really have no stories worth sharing. All I ever do is go to school and do homework and occasionally sleep. Repeat those three things over and over, and you've got my life. Oh. My. Boring. I am still looking for a job, and still freezing nigh unto death, but other than that, life is pretty good. Boring, but good.

I will admit that I have recently discovered a passion for Russian literature. I highly recommend Pushkin's Eugene Onegin or Gogol's Dead Souls for anyone looking for a good read. Read it, and then call me, k? Russian Lit is fantastic, who knew? Also, I have officially decided to Minor in editing. It will put me here for at least one extra semester, which is ironic considering how much I loathe all things school related, but I am(surprisingly) really enjoying my basic editing class and think it will really help me when/if I ever actually graduate.

Anyway, I have put off homework long enough and am off to a study group for a big test I have next week. Wish me luck! Love you all!