Friday, November 30, 2007

Oh the humiliation!

There I was sitting in my Lit. class last night totally unsuspecting of the embarrassment about to befall me.

My teacher was discussing the papers that he was about to pass back which had been turned in three weeks ago. He began rambling about the six options we had to choose from and how he wished that more people had chosen option number four which was to write about an author not included in our semesters readings. I admit, I was only half listening, but no amount of listening could have prepared me for his next statement.
"In fact," he said, "the only person who did choose this option was Alisha."
My first thought was "I did?"
(Also, he calls me Alisha, I don't know why but it has been two whole semesters and he has not once gotten it right. )
He turns to me and says: "Tell us who you wrote about Alisha."

My mind goes BLANK.

Truly - I was just staring at him and could not even remember writing the paper let alone who I wrote it about. Meanwhile, the entire class is staring at me (we sit in a circle, so it was easy viewing for all) as my face turned a very unattractive shade of red never before witnessed in human skin tones.

So then he said "Sarah..." like he was trying to prompt me or something and still, nothing.
I made a total fool of myself muttering idiotic half sentences that came out something like:
"Oh--um--well--i guess--three weeks ago--i can't--" etc. etc.
Finally he says: "Sarah Josepha Hale?!?" while staring at me. The expression on his face saying you've got to be kidding me with this. Didn't you write this five page paper?
Ding! The light goes on.
Sarah Josepha Hale!
Of course! I almost killed myself over that paper! It took forever to find all of the information and I was totally stressed over it, but it ended up being a pretty dang good paper if I do say so myself. It all came rushing back to me, but alas, it was much too late to save myself at that point.
I don't remember exactly what I said, but I believe it was something to the effect of: "Oh right...that paper," amid amused chuckles from my class mates.
Holy awkward Batman!
He quickly moved on to other things, while I spent the entire rest of the class period trying to coax my ears and cheeks to stop burning.

Granted, this is not the most embarrassing thing that has happened to me or probably will happen to me in the course of my frequently humiliating life, but it was by far the most embarrassing moment of the month.

By the way, I got an A on my paper. Thank you very much.


lindsay said...

at least you got an A!
that's awful, and what a stupid teacher....
and seriously - 3 weeks.....
does he REALLY expect you to remember?

Holly Janeen said...

alicia, its me, holly... just wanted to say that i dig your blog and i TOTALLY love this story... you should seriously write books. you have a gift with writing... you are awesome :)